Elena Levy

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Elena Levy

My interest in finance began during my studies, and more specifically during my university exchange at Sogang University in Seoul. Seeking to put my knowledge into practice, I did a first placement in alternative investment fund management and a second in credit analysis, which gave me a solid understanding of finance.

Attracted by the challenges and dynamics of the investment world, and after joining Tikehau Capital as a private debt trainee, I decided to pursue a career in M1A. This activity allows me to combine customer contact and advisory services with a constant challenge. After working as an M&A trainee at Capitalmind, I wanted to move into a field that is in tune with the world of tomorrow as I see it. So it was a natural choice to turn to the technology company sector and to join Cambon Partners.

During my 6-month internship in the IT Services team, I acquired an in-depth knowledge of the market and became aware of the added value that a dedicated team could bring to its clients. I was attracted by Cambon's entrepreneurial culture, atmosphere and ability to offer specialisation from analyst level onwards, and decided to pursue my career in the IT Services team to become a real expert in the sector and gain a better understanding of our clients' needs and expectations.