I feel passionately about what I do. There is certainly an element of finding one’s sea legs in this business, as the execution requires the same level of concentration and precision as captaining a ship and staying the course: a safe landing and leading a deal to fruition is tremendously satisfying and requires certain characteristics. Naturally you must be perseverant, however you must also be attentive to your client’s needs whilst taking into account the trends in your sector. This requires a strategic perspective and an attention to detail. Mastering such a broad range of skills is an accomplishment in itself!
At Cambon, we always bear in mind that our clients are entrusting us with their most precious assets, for which they have made enormous sacrifices. This gives my work a human element that is highly motivating. We work closely with entrepreneurs over an extended period of time, providing support throughout the emotional ups and downs that run throughout the course of a deal. Their success is our success.
We focus on growth sectors, where things tend to move fast: techniques are continually evolving and business activity can grow exponentially, as well as a company’s valuation. Being an expert in these sectors, such as software, new media and communication, enables us to offer the best possible advice.
Clients’ sincere appreciation for our work is what makes this job so rewarding. This is amplified by a feeling of making a positive contribution to the economy and the development of entrepreneurship in France, thereby serving my country! I honestly believe that we bring a breath of fresh air to the world of investment banking, in the loyalty we show towards our clients and the cooperation between colleagues.