Press release

French M&A, so far, so good While large caps have seen better days, small caps are resisting the prevailing economicclimate. Morgann Lesné comments.
The boundary between CAP-DEV-LBO funds and VENTURE funds is shrinking The environment for growth companies - start-ups and scale-ups - has evolved considerably in recent years, especially in France, a country aspiring to the status of start-up nation. Everything is going faster, further, higher and this is due to a number of reasons: entrepreneurs are more experienced and better trained in entrepreneurship, business models are more mature, and business opportunities are more numerous thanks to the digitalization of the economy, the financing chain being more massive and efficient, and there being more frequent industrial exits
Consumer-facing startups refine their own funding model French Tech is not known for generating many nuggets that become giants by addressing consumers directly. But a study highlights the peculiarities of these startups whose cash flow needs are very different from their B2B counterparts.
100 unicorns by 2030: VCs say Emmanuel Macron's goal is achievable During his speech at the VivaTech trade show on Friday, June 17, 2022, Emmanuel Macron welcomed the fact that the goal of 25 French unicorns would be reached before 2025. He took the opportunity to set a new goal: 100 unicorns, including 25 GreenTech, by 2030. Maddyness surveyed four investors to determine if the challenge can be met.
Cambon Partners expands in London Cambon Partners is strengthening its professional staff in a context of continuous increaseof its deal flow. The investment bank focused notably on tech and financial services is calling on Gabriel Giscard d'Estaing to join the ranks of its London office. The Warwick Business School graduate started in 2014 at advisory firm SunGard Financial Systems before arriving two years later at Emerging Capital Partners. He had been at investment bank GCA Altium first as an analyst from 2016 to 2019 and then as an associate from 2019 to 2021 (see his full bio below).With offices in Paris, London, San Francisco and Beijing, Cambon Partners relies on some 40 professionals including nine associates. The investment bank, which focuses in particular on tech and financial services, recently advised Wshop, a publisher of unified commerce software, when Capza became a minority shareholder, and inWebo Technologies, a publisher of strong authentication solutions, in its second round of financing (see below and the list of all its deals).