Press release

Why Santiane is counting on BlackFin to broaden its wings With BlackFins's means at its disposal, Santiane is aiming for a new goal of tripling its turnover between now and 2020. An ambitious target which they aim to acheive by moving into the realms of management and insurance. David Salabi explains.
Gérer au mieux le cash-out de la cinquantaine La stratégie raisonnable issue du nouveau régime des plus-values mobilières porte vers l'OBO. La restructuration de capital avec l'entrée d'un investisseur n'emporte aucun risque d'abus. Eclairage par David Salabi, associé fondateur de Financière Cambon et Pierre-Yves Lagarde, associé chez Sycamore Family Office.
Investment fund K Capital takes a stake in SPVIE The appeal of insurance brokerage firms to investment funds has once again been confirmed, with K Partners taking a stake in SPVie, founded in 2010. Testimony by Guillaume Eymar, M&A director at Financière Cambon.
Exclusive: Maxicoffee sold to its management and MBO Partenaires The online coffee specialist has completed its transaction with MBO in a sale of around 18 million euros to its management team, with the cooperation of investors. A conversation with Morgann Lesné, who led the operation.
Preparing the company for sale: what are the key success factors? Choosing to sell a company is among the most important decisions an entrepreneur can make. Leading up to this point, shareholders must ask themselves the right questions in order to optimise the process. Guillaume Eymar, M&A director at Financière Cambon, gives his expert opinion.